
About Us

*) China 2010. Thailand, Cambodia 2011.

After visiting Cambodia in 2011, what struck me was the dichotomy between regions in Asia. Although inherently, people in more developed/wealthier countries know that there are many children aournd the world that live in orphanages, often times mal-nourished or underfed, it really "strikes home" when you see it first hand.

The children in Cambodia really made an impression on me. I came back from Cambodia in February 2011 with some flyers of some of the local orphanages there. My intention was to make a money donation. The thoughts of the orphanages there kept gnawing on me however, and I felt with my background in online marketing and promotion, maybe I could help bring awareness to the issue and do more to help the cause than just a small sized yearly monetary contribution. That "gnawing feeling" then spawned the idea for this website and organization, the secular non-profit: Helping-Orphans.Org. Our goals are to spread awareness of the issue that orphans have in various parts of the world, as well as eventually do fund raising to benefit the neediest of orphanages around the world.

To do this, we will be showcasing videos from orphanages around the world, as well as salient news pertaining to what can be done to help those greatest in need. We will then publish these videos in our "channel" on youtube as well as other sites including this one. Hopefully these will be uplifting as well as informative.

I urge you to consider joining our once a month newsletter. Of course we promise not to "sell" your email address nor let any third party have access to it. We will not "spam" you. However, our goal is to raise money by including some ads in the newsletter itself. So you see, you can help raise money for "the cause" just by joining our newsletter. The money will be used to help orphans and orphanages around the world. Of course this will only be effective if we can get a large newsletter subscriber base. Please help by subscribing.

We intend to focus on those activities that will allow them to become self sufficient and provide for their whole community. Relief efforts are solely short-term.

We think you'll agree that this is a very easy way for you to contribute.

- Helping-Orphans.Org Founder

June 2011

Note To Orphanages: Please email us at : helpingorphans.org@gmail.com for instructions on how to send us your videos to include in this website and on our YouTube channel. We'll try to get your video seen by as many people as we can.